The history of our name
The name Pig & Whistle has had a place in British history ever since daily rum rations were issued to all men aboard Royal Navy ships in 1655
As the story goes, it was the job of the junior midshipman to go below to draw the rum for the shop’s company from the barrels – called “pigs”. One day the junior officer arrived on the deck drunk with the rum for the duty officer of the day. The next day the officer ordered the midshipman to keep whistling until he returned on deck with the rum, this way he wouldn’t be able to drink while carrying on his task. Therefore, the name “Pig & Whistle”.
If you happen to visit England, you will find many fine pubs and taverns around the British coast and sea ports called the “Pig & Whistle”.

About Us
The “Pig” has been a local Cocoa Beach landmark since 1987, originally opened by Peter & Carrol Collett. Using their English roots they created a menu of staples from the motherland. The original Pig was just a few hundred yards down the street from where it sits today. The opportunity to move it to a stand alone location was to good to pass up and in 2005 the doors opened here.
Current owners Mick & Leigh Ann Graham have given the place some TLC and want to show both the locals and visitors what a Good Pub is all about. Great Food, Cold Drinks, Fair Prices, & a friendly atmosphere where your always welcome.